Cloud Native SaaS Infrastructure

In the current digital landscape, staying competitive means being able to adapt and innovate swiftly. It involves the creation of a self-service model for developers, allowing application teams to operate independently from the underlying infrastructure. This decoupling is crucial, as it frees developers to focus on creating business value without being hindered by operational constraints.

Embracing this approach also means embracing a culture of continuous learning and improvement. By integrating feedback loops into every stage of the product lifecycle, businesses can not only anticipate the needs of their customers but also preemptively adapt to changing market conditions. This proactive approach is what sets apart successful cloud-native enterprises in a world where digital readiness is not just an advantage but a necessity.


To successfully implement your Cloud Native SaaS landing zone, we begin with a thorough assessment of your current infrastructure and workflows. Our experts will guide you through aligning your business objectives with technical requirements, ensuring that the platform serves as a robust foundation for your application teams.

With a focus on automation and repeatability, we employ Infrastructure as Code (IaC) to manage and provision resources through code rather than manual processes. This shift not only increases efficiency but also enhances the reliability of environments.

Key steps we follow to ensure a seamless transition and operation:

  • Automate Everything: Reduce human error and improve efficiency by automating the build, test, and deployment processes.
  • Self-Service Infrastructure: Enable developers to provision needed resources on demand without delays.
  • Monitoring and Feedback: Implement real-time monitoring to provide actionable insights and foster a feedback-driven culture.
  • Security by Design: Integrate security measures at the start of the development cycle to ensure compliance and data protection.
  • Continuous Learning: Encourage ongoing education and adaptation of new technologies and methodologies to stay ahead.

Through these measures, we ensure that your landing zone is not just a step but a leap towards a more resilient, agile, and innovative business model.

AWS IoT Reference Architecture

The founders of 56k.Cloud were originally electrical and embedded engineers. Hence, they are deeply familiar with the world of embedded development and its constraints. 56k.Cloud is uniquely positioned to bridge the gap between that world and that of the cloud native ecosystem.

Our Cloud-Native IoT Reference Architecture with Arm SystemReady was the result of a master's thesis developed on our premises over the last few months. This is an open-source IoT project to meet the challenges of integrating embedded systems with the cloud. This architecture facilitates the automatic provisioning of a cloud infrastructure and the integration of a fleet of embedded systems during their initial start-up. Designed for use with AWS, it focuses on essential components while taking advantage of Arm processors and Arm SystemReady certifications. The project aims to streamline collaboration between embedded systems engineers and cloud professionals, allowing them to focus on their end products. By following Cloud-Native best practices, the continuous integration and delivery tools ensure a robust, functional architecture on various Arm-based and Arm SystemReady-certified embedded systems.

Check it out on Github!

AWS Landing Zone Accelerator

Establish a robust cloud foundation with AWS Landing Zone Accelerator. This powerful solution is designed to streamline your cloud migration by creating a secure, well-architected landing zone tailored to your organization’s specific needs. With AWS Landing Zone Accelerator, you can quickly set up multi-account environments, ensuring adherence to best practices for security, governance, and compliance.

Our approach enables a variety of use cases, from facilitating rapid development and deployment of applications to enhancing operational efficiency across teams. Whether you're looking to manage sensitive data securely, implement a centralized logging strategy, or support DevOps initiatives, the Landing Zone Accelerator will tailor your landing zone to your specific use case. Additionally, its automated setup reduces the time to cloud readiness, allowing your teams to focus on innovation rather than infrastructure. Importantly, it also helps simplify compliance with industry regulations by integrating automated guardrails and monitoring capabilities that enforce security policies and compliance standards across your cloud environment.

Let us guide you on your cloud journey, transforming your IT landscape and unlocking the full potential of AWS, all while ensuring a solid foundation for future growth and scalability.